Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Fresh start

Assalamualaikum. Aku sedar. Jalan yang Allah atur kan la yang terbaik. No matter how kita try to deny it. It's for the best. Yeah I admit, aku jatuh, jatuh terduduk. The only thing yang aku betul betul Cuba untuk jaga, musnah. Salah aku jugak, tak pernah Cuba nak baiki relationship aku dengan Allah. Munafik ke aku ni? Bila Allah tarik balik orang yang aku sayang, baru aku terhegeh hegeh nak mengadu kat dia? Aku taktau. Tapi sekarang, memang aku rasa lost sangat. Maybe dah sampai masa untuk aku move on, masa untuk aku jaga diri aku sendiri dulu, baru jaga orang lain. Aku nak, satu hari nanti, aku akan ingat balik zaman ni, and bersyukur sebab Allah bagi aku ujian ni, so that aku akan jadi manusia yang lebih baik. Lebih baik untuk diri aku sendiri, baik untuk family, dan kawan2 aku, InsyaAllah. Ok lah, aku nak balik makan jap. May Allah ease our journey.
Assalamualaikum :'(
9.30am selasa 26/10/16

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Uber driver @ Ipoh!

Assalamualaikum! Harini aku saja nak share yang aku dah berjaya daftar as an Uber driver di Ipoh! Process nak daftar dia senang je! Boleh register kat SINI

Cara nak register, boleh register link yang saya attach tadi tu, lepastu boleh download apps Uber Partner dekat play store (android) / apps store (iPhone).

Aku rasa tergerak hati nak buat pun sebab kawan aku sendiri yang recommend. Sebab jadi driver Uber, memang flexible. Kita boleh buat ikut time kita sendiri, kalau kita free, kita boleh set untuk online kat app Uber Partner tu, kalau kita taknak buat, or ada kerja lain boleh set to offline pulak.

Aku tak boleh nak explain banyak, sebab aku pun baru nak mula buat Uber kat Ipoh ni. Nanti kalau ada rezeki aku update lagi ya! May Allah ease our journey, insyaAllah.

Payung satu gambar kereta baru lepas basuh. Haha


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

This is it

Yeah, adulthood is not how I imagined masa aku kecik-kecik dulu. I used to berangan on hows life gonna be bila dah habis belajar, and kerja. So far, aku rasa macam 'meh', macamni je ke hidup orang dah dewasa? During my college life, I had a wonderful time, all the sleepless nights buat kerja, and all the overnight melepak sessions, impromptu trips. I had tons of friends, some of them aku tak kenal pun, but we can lepak like dah kenal 10 tahun. But now, its slowly fading man. People come and go, but I never experienced something like this. I realized that I really never had true bestfriends at all, AFAIK. But, I am so thankful for a few people yang decide to stick around and still nak berkawan dengan aku, eventho life aku dah tak exciting macam dulu dah.

Maybe this is a wakeup call for me. Too many dramas man, its so tiring and exhausting. Selama ni aku hidup untuk puaskan orang lain, and until this day, aku rasa aku tak dapat achieve anything significant pun. Just a lil bit of this, and a lil bit of that. Nothing man, and aku sedar, aku ni memang tak boleh hidup untuk fulfil orang punya needs. Frankly, sampai harini, aku still tak dapat nak determine apa aku nak jadi sebenarnya. All those big talks, maybe its for the sake of pleasing everybody. So that they wont look down on me. I have to start to accept the fact that I have nothing now. Im nothing.

But, I have to wake up and develop myself. I dont need to find myself anymore. Its too late for that. I just need something to hold on to, and hopefully by then, I can feel happy again, because right now, I feel like Im drowning, with no lifeline, all those motivations, It doesnt mean sh8t anymore.

I kinda miss the old dolah, the 'i dont give a f*ck dolah'. Living life like theres no tomorrow. Well idk, maybe personality aku yang dulu tu, hanya sekadar topeng. Untuk aku mask aku punya sadness. Right now, I have to unlearn balik things yang aku dah belajar sepanjang aku hidup. Never ever put the key to your happiness in domebody else's pocket. Trust me guys, because I learned it the hard way. Well, theres no turning back on that lah. Past is past, now Im gonna focus on whats happening now, and what am i gonna do next. May Allah ease my journey, and yours too, InsyaAllah.

dolah 5.23pm 02.08.16

Friday, July 29, 2016

2016!(hujung hujung dah hahaha)

Ya Allah! Pejam celik aku dah nak grad degree. Time Flies man. Now umur aku dah 22, my bday is in 2 weeks! For those yang baca my blog, im officially dah habis study, now kerja kat office aku intern! But kerja part time jelah, sebab menunggu offer lain yang lagi ok. Phew, time to focus on myself, time to improve myself, and to explore my minat and passion. 2015-2016. so many ups and downs, tak tipu. Sampai today aku still struggling in life.

Ini Masa DSA(Defence service Asia) punya convention!

Electric run with lis!

Ini pulak ofis aku

InsyaAllah may Allah ease our journey! (tak boleh tulis banyak! dalam ofis ni hahah kerja bertimbun!) Jumpa lagi guys. Nanti aku update gambar sikit hehe. Assalamualaikum!